
Name: ImaginIff

Publisher: Buffalo Games

Players: 3-8

Ages: 12+

Playing Time: 40-60 Minutes

If you could choose a characteristic for your children, which would it be? Honesty? Sense of Humor? Natural athleticism? Or perhaps superior intellect? You may know the answer, but can others guess correctly out of a list of 6 choices? Can you correctly guess about others? Get to know yourself and others better in this fun and educational game that will certainly get you thinking and talking!

At the beginning of the game, eight names are chosen to play with. These usually include the names of those playing, as well as some extras. Some humorous extras that have been chosen in past games I have played have included “ “President Bush,” “Jesus,” and “Hitler.” You are free to choose whatever names you wish, and these are the people that you will be answering questions about. Once you have selected the names, the fun begins!

The player whose turn it is rolls the dice (to determine who the question will pertain to) and draws a card from the deck. They read it to the group, substituting the name rolled for the blank one. For example, “If Hannah were a circus performer, which would she be? 1) Clown 2) Trapeze Artist 3)Lion Tamer 4) Juggler 5) Fire Eater or 6) Performing Poodle.” All players then select a number from the six choices and put it face down. At the count of three everyone reveals their numbers, and the most popular is the winning one. People who selected this number get to move their tokens forward a space. Whoever reaches the finish line first is the winner! Very straightforward. Very fun!

One thing I might caution about Imaginiff: It’s not very fun among people who don’t know each other. In my opinion, this is not an icebreaker game, or a game that is fun for people new to the group. It is much better among those who are at least casual acquaintances. Keep ImaginIff reserved for friends and family if you want everyone playing to have a fulfilling experience. Other than that, though, it’s a great game.

I love ImaginIff. Perhaps it is because I consider myself to have natural intuition about people. Or perhaps it is just because I love thinking about and getting to know other people better. Whatever the reason,I thoroughly enjoy it! I played it with my family last week (it was my dad’s first time) and they really enjoyed it. It has great potential to strengthen bonds and draw people into conversation. I am bringing it to our family vacation this weekend, where I am sure we will have a great time getting to know each other better. I highly recommend this game!